Jenn Zahrt
Lecture: Astrological Considerations for Plant Magic and Talismanic Oils
This presentation will cover the astrological considerations necessary for the operating plant magician. First, the morphology of plants will be discussed to answer the question of “which planet rules this plant?” We will then discuss cycles of time (hours, days, months, yearly seasons) and the import they have for plant magic. Rather than a list-driven onslaught of facts, this presentation aims to arm one with the proper Hermetic astrological theory to be able to dynamically engage with the material dynamically on their own. Finally, a specific example of the creation of a talismanic plant oil will be shared, which will teach how planetary energies can be harnessed to enhance the transformative power of plant magic workings.
Jenn Zahrt, PhD, writes about the history, philosophy and epistemology of astrology, with a special focus on the German cultural realm. Her doctoral thesis, titled The Astrological Imaginary in Early Twentieth Century Germany (University of California, Berkeley, 2012), concerns the ways in which astrology shaped philosophy, literature and the arts during the Weimar Republic. A chapter from this thesis appeared in Sky and Symbol (Sophia Centre Press, 2013). Since 2007, Zahrt has worked as a professional editor—for the interdisciplinary humanities journal, Representations (2007–2010), the literary arts quarterly, The Threepenny Review (2011–2013), and the academic journal, Culture and Cosmos (2010– ). As a recognized expert in the field of the cultural history of astrology, She has taught and lectured domestically and internationally in places such as Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig), the United Kingdom (Bath), and Canada (Montréal).
Her work is not limited to astrology alone. In 2013 she translated Zoroaster’s Telescope from German into English for the first time, and other articles have appeared in The Threepenny Review, including their book Table Talk, which she also co-edited with Wendy Lesser and Mimi Chubb. Zahrt is currently working on a book titled, Strategies of Legitimacy: Astrological Polemics in Pre-WWII Germany. Zahrt founded and runs Revelore Press and serves on the Board of Trustees of Kepler College. She currently lives in Olympia, WA.