
LECTURE: Magical Plant Images
In this lecture Wiebke will introduce people to her ways of studying plants from different angles and exploring their nature in art and photography. We will look in particular at the roll that plants play in photographic media. We will also look at the phytochemistry of photosynthesis, with a special focus on plant color pigments on the one hand and photographical techniques and photochemical processes on the other – both in which UV light is the determinant.

This will include a short exploration of non-camera processes in photography, alt processes, photograms, salt prints (talbotypes), cyanotypes etc., which are currently experiencing a revival and which often feature(d) plants as a central subject. We will then bridge over to artistically mimicking these
processes using simple (non-chemical) materials. Ultimately we will discuss abstract conclusions and advanced ways in which these techniques can be employed in the creation of magical plant paper talismans.

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